Best Gaucho Melon Seeds

The Price On "Gaucho Melon Seeds" Just Dropped - Fast & Super Saver Shipping. Start Shopping Now!


The price on the bestselling Gaucho Melon Seeds just dropped a few days ago. After a ton of research I found that Amazon store is the best & lowest price as I can find from online stores. Now the prices is lower than before. Press button below to check now before price up ! Enjoy shopping :)

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Finally let’s have a look at the specifications of the Gaucho Melon Seeds

  • Gaucho Melon Seeds

CATEGORY: MELONGAUCHO (Cucumis melo) A beautiful melon with a golden rind with deep ribs; creamy-yellow flesh is very aromatic and juicy. Fruit is about 14 inches long and 8 inches wide; it is one of the most popular home garden varieties in Brazil. THESE SEEDS ARE PACKAGED IN GLASS VIALS CONTAINING 2 OR MORE SEEDSPLANTING INSTRUCTIONS Read more customer reviews ...

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Best Gaucho Melon Seeds. Fast & Super Saver Shipping. Start Shopping Now!.